
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bedroom Updates and a New Love

It's been another slow blogging week, but I've been getting ready for a trip with the kids and working on some projects to share with you for the upcoming Outdoor Extravaganza.  Hopefully you will have some great outdoor projects to link up!

But today, I thought I'd share a few bedroom updates.  I've been moving through the house changing out the decor of the rooms from winter to spring.  In the case of my bedroom, however, I decided to make like mother nature and skip from winter to summer (spring still hasn't arrived here in Chicagoland):

I added these botanical prints that I've had forever and never hung anywhere:

...and a little piece of coral that moves around the house...

If you've been around for awhile, you've probably noticed that I've been adding a lot of living plants around the house (here and here).  I feel like it adds immediate life and interest to a room (cheaply, too).  So, to add a little green to this area, I added my new $5 fern friend I brought home from Walmart:

Ok, so this is the only area of the bedroom you will get to see for now, because my son decided to take a nap in my bed today!  However, I've a new found love for ferns, and thought I'd share some Pinterest fern inspiration.  I feel like all you need to do is add a fern or even pressed ferns to a room to make it much more interesting.  Take a peek:

via (you will want to check this site out, I love everything this blogger does and she does it all on a budget). 
Do you have a fern in your backyard?  Why not add a few clippings to a collection of bottles?  I'm saving my Blu Italy sparkling water bottles from Trader Joes and will probably do this as a display on my kitchen counter at some point this summer:
I love these old dough bowls (or whatever they are) and hope to find a few this summer at the flea market:
Ferns also look great in outdoor rooms.  Costco happens to be selling huge hanging fern planters just like this for $12 right now. I can't hang them on our deck because they would likely fry back there, but if you don't have a south or west facing deck it would probably work well:
I think this is just gorgeous and exactly the type of planter I would choose:

What do you think, do you like the look of ferns in and outdoors? 


  1. Dawn, I love the pressed ferns and adding living plants to your space. I've started doing this as well and it brings an extra warmth and life to your home. x

  2. i'm crazy for ferns. they're like the only thing i can't mess up. the only thing they don't like is strong winds so i protect them from those.

    smiles to you.


  3. I'm in need of new houseplants and Ferns are one of my favorites. I actually have mine outside in the front of the house in urns and they are so massive by the end of the summer people have to squeeze by them to get to the front door! I'll have to see if our Costco has them.. $12 is a good price..

  4. Beautiful inspiration! So lovely ;)
    Jamie @

  5. Plants are the best accessory and can go anywhere in the home which is so nice. I'm interested to see what sort of plants and things we have at the new house and looking forward to adding some new plants around the house too. And thanks for the Costco tip!

  6. I love the texture of ferns, just yesterday my client asked what she should put in a big urn on her dining room table, I said 'fern!' Your botanicals look beautiful!

  7. I love ferns. My neighbor just put two in urns on her front porch and they look great! I don't have the greenest thumb so I have to be careful about what plants I buy!
