
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Create a Simple Magnetic Chalkboard

I recently put together a magnetic chalkboard for my son to use in his room (full tour here) that was really simple to create:

The artistic renderings were done by my husband during play time....not me.  I'm not really that talented.  I purchased each of the necessary materials over time without a real purpose in mind......

Those materials included:

#1  IKEA SPONTAN Magnetic Board $12.99  / #2  IKEA SPONTAN Magnet Pack of 4 $2.99 /   #3  Kirrich Chalkboard Contact Paper $7.49 for a 18" x 6' Roll

I purchased the magnetic board because I thought it would be fun to play with, but we weren't really using it.  I separately purchased the chalkboard paper to create chalkboard labels for a few other projects.  One day I decided our magnetic board would be more fun if we could write on it too.  I think we will make like Sesame Street and practice drawing a number and letter of the day on here.

This is so simple it really doesn't require a tutorial.  Simply cut the chalkboard paper to size (I wrapped the sides of the board) and attach.  Attaching the contact paper was the hardest part.  I used this handy dandy tool, which we had on hand, to smooth out the bubbles that were created while laying down the contact paper:

I think a ruler will do, though, if you don't have something like it.  Here are the boys having fun with the board:

Here it is in my sons room (full room tour here).  I originally thought I would mount it to the side of the IKEA bookshelf.  However, it's more fun to move it around to draw on and use.  Therefore, we are keeping it higher on the bookshelf for now until my youngest son no longer feels the need to pull the chalkboard down on top of himself and creating a loud crash all while pinning himself under it...

Thanks for stopping by!

Linking at: Winter Blues Wednesday / Savvy Southern Style / Creative Spark / The Inspiration Gallery


  1. very cool Dawn, the bedroom reminds me a little bit of our Robbie's bedroom. He also has some Airplanes hanging in the corner just like that....way cool!

  2. This is great Dawn! I'm sure he will enjoy this to put up art work and the like;)


  3. Seeing your son's room reminds me of when my son was little. I think his birthday coming up is making me feel nostalgic. He had a plane like those you have hanging up too. Great idea to cover the board with chalkboard paper making it multi-functional.
