
Friday, April 26, 2013

Easily Incorporate Thrift Finds Into Your Home

It has been some time since I've shared my thrift finds with you.  When I do thrift, I usually look for items that won't require too much work out of me.  Honestly, I was not given the "paint" gene and while I can envision a transformation in my head, I can't carry it out (well) in reality.  I've bought a few items here or there that require some work and a paint brush and they are still sitting in my basement!  Maybe one day.

So, if you are interested in stopping at your local Goodwill, thrift store, or estate sale, here are a few pictures to serve as inspiration!  My finds are typically pretty easy to incorporate right into your home.

These books I found at the Goodwill this week:

All 14 books of this set of "Little Journey's to the Homes of the Great", circa 1928, happened to be gathering dust in a bin.  For some time, I've looked for older books that had time worn pages to them.  In my mind, I was going to cover them with linen to get the Restoration Hardware-esq look of the books they have in stores, but this set happens to be perfectly neutral.  Still, at $1.79 a book I just wasn't sure I wanted to buy all 14 of them. 

I opened the page and the published date read 1928.  I still wasn't sure if the value was there.  A quick google search helped me find an identical set that sold on EBAY for $125 and one currently listed on ebay for $225.  Sold!  I quickly added all the books to my basket - lest the five year old little girl staring over my shoulder as I analyzed these books try to beat me to it.  I'm embarrassed to say this did actually happen, but I was there first!  ;)  I could at the very least turn them around quickly for a profit.  At the check out, all 14 only rang up for $8!  Bonus!

I actually plan on keeping them around for awhile, and I might even read them:

I love the edges of the pages:


I also like the emblem of the man incorporated onto the cover:

Next up, I incorporated several finds into our dining room.  These chargers add a little texture to our dining room walls and were a steal at $1 a pieces:

I've also mixed thrifted silver platters, bowls, and milk glass with crystal, china, and family heirlooms into our china cabinet (which I just realized I don't have many good pictures of, I promise you those pink poms aren't always there):

You can read about when I found the glass Dorothy Thorpe punch bowl pictured above and matching low ball glasses here for an awesome deal.

This milk glass bowl I picked up an estate sale for $3 and it is paired with a my grandmothers silver platter:

This huge piece of coral was $10 at a local thrift store.  Not sure if that is a deal or not but I really wanted it: 

I also like to look for paintings and prints to use around the house because I like to change it all up often.  If the frame happens to work well that's a bonus.  I used gold rub and buff on the frame of this $3 print - it only looks like a painting - to make it work a little better here:

It's hard to see, but I added the print below to a new frame to make it work in our bedroom. The silver rimmed glass bowl that's holding the shells come a dime a dozen at the Goodwill:

  The colors of this Norman Rockwell lithograph worked perfectly for the nursery:

I painted the frame white on this $2 boat painting:

I found this globe the same day I found the Norman Rockwell lithograph and was over the moon excited about it since it worked perfectly in the nursery:

This little tin, um, thing (not sure what it is) works well as a temporary planter:

Lastly, these gold chargers and little accent plates were $1 a piece as well and I use them to change up our place settings for special occasions:

What do you like to look for at your favorite thrift shops?

Linking to: My Romantic Home / / Inspire Me


  1. Such awesome finds! Those books are amazing. I love the pages and how they look stacked up like that. Can't believe you got them for only $8, such a steal! I also really like that globe. I have a thing for globes!

  2. So many great finds! I love the books. They are great to scatter around your house or stage furniture. I love old books and at $8 that is such a steal! I also love your coral. We saw so much on the beaches of St. John and I was collecting it and then found out it couldn't leave the island.

  3. lovin the handsome set of books--they add a lot of interest and i can't resist vintage books in any condition! also feelin the coral and the texture that brings.

    happy weekend, pretty mama.


  4. The books are awesome Dawn and $8! Really?? I used to do a lot of thrifting and just can't find the time to do it anymore and it bums me out when i see all the goodness being scooped up!

  5. I always am hoping to have a great Goodwill find like those books! Which, by the way, are beautiful along with being worth something. :) A friend of mine just got a ukulele from there and it turned out to be a 1950s vintage one. I think I just need to be a bit more patient and perusing in my trips. And have a good eye!

  6. As you know, I love thrifting and adding these little treasures to my home. Love those books. What a steal!

  7. This reminds me I need to thrift more! Awesome find... you will use those for many years to come!
