
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Goodwill Hunting

I stopped at the local Goodwill yesterday hoping to find a few items for around the house.  While I didn't know specifically what I wanted, I have ongoing home projects that need additional pieces:

  • Master Bedroom - I purchased frames/matting for above our bedroom nightstands several months back that need art.  Until now, I threw some old sheet music in the frame, to fill the mat; not a permanent solution.
  • Nursery - While the main elements are complete, I keep putting off hanging art and picking up some finishing accessories I have on my mind.  Considering Baby Boy #2 is now almost 8 months, I need to get a move on that.............
I kept this in the back of my mind as I rummaged.

Here is the pile of stuff I came home with:

I honestly have no real need for a silver platter and glass /silver plated bowl.  I just really like silver.  When I see it for a good price, I buy it.  :) 

As for the pictures, I didn't want the frames....I have frames upon frames upon frames.  I wanted what was inside.  I really liked the botanical print, but the matting and frame?  What was up with that?  I thought I might be able to use one of these in the bedside frames I mentioned above.  The main problem here is that I have TWO frames in the bedroom, and the two pics above just don't mesh together.  BUT, I had another piece, called Bamboo II, quite similar in feel to the above left picture, Ceveux de Venus.  So I thought it might just work. 

Here is the bowl and platter after a little silver polish and elbow grease:

And here is the platter in its current home:

This milk glass bowls I purchased last year at another local resale shop.

As it turned out, the Cheveux de Venus and Bamboo II pictures worked best in the bedside frames.  The bowl has also found a temporary home on my bedside table:

The total cost of this little refresh above was $4.  That means I don't have to feel bad when I, once again, feel the need to rotate or update the items in my house. 

For now, the blue botanical is making itself useful in my kitchen (but I need to enlarge the matting):

It's hiding this mess:

The little lamp stand you saw in the first picture has found a home as well.  But I'll include that in a later post, as it is in the nursery which I will feature soon!

1 comment:

  1. Dawn ~ Those were some great finds for only $4. I love me a little Salvation Army fix even though I too don't need another thing.. Some women like shoes, I like junk stores!
